Tuesday, September 18, 2012

P90X is the Devil...

Hello again,

After Chris and I weighed ourselves and such on Wii Fit we found that we were either under or overweight based on our height and age...we wont say who went which way. From that we looked at a few different fitness programs and finally decided we would give P90X a try. I had a very good friend who did the program with her fiance - now husband just before they got married and knew that they liked it so much she even continued it through her pregnancy. The weeks leading up to actually ordering (it's a little pricey) and then actually getting the P90X package started out really great and exciting and the closer we got the more I found myself dreading it. Chris decided to go the Wal-Mart route rather than paying the big bucks for the P90X pull up bar and before long he and my Pyke Brother were competing to see who could do the most...I couldn't even do one :( I'm sorry Mrs. Lyman (high school fitness instructor), I have failed you. Anyway, it seemed like the more Chris got excited the more nervous I got about how hard this was really going to be.

Two days down and, well it's just as hard... maybe even harder than I thought it would be. My whole life hurts! I have to admit though, aside from the pain in my arches, the rest of my muscle aches actually feel sort of nice. It is also nice to be eating better, I think that just makes me feel better all around. I'm not too into the protein drinks though so if anyone can suggest any delicious ones we'd love to know some good brands. I will try to keep posting (probably not every day though) about this process and who knows, perhaps if I am as hot as they are saying I will be at the end of the 90 days maybe I will post my nasty day one photo... Ha ha ha, probably not though!

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